NFTBOBA has integrated the Venly Wallet on BSC.

NFTBOBA, a dynamic NFT collection on Binance Smart Chain, has integrated the Venly Wallet to its interface for users to easily mint, transfer and interact with their beloved NFTs. This opens the door for crypto newcomers, who can now use the Venly Wallet to intuitively trade and collect the NFTs, free from the hassle of setting up apps or extensions.
NFTBOBA aims to bring NFTs to crypto beginners, as they want NFTs to be as accessible as possible. Through their cute food-themed collectibles and extremely easy-to-use interface, they aspire to bridge the gap between crypto veterans and novices, making NFT a fun and enjoyable experience, as it is meant to be.
"From the very second since a user enters our website, we at NFTBOBA want to create a simple, intuitive and streamlined experience for that person. That is exactly why we chose for Venly: a clean, sleek and secure one-click login solution that can onboard the user into the wonderful world of NFTs in mere seconds." Kenneth, Founder NFTBOBA
Based in Taiwan, the exact same place where boba tea was first introduced to the world, NFTBOBA wants to bring eastern cuisine culture to the globe with blockchain technology, while introducing the fun and exciting new era of NFT ecosystems to Chinese speaking communities.NFTBOBA is a collection of 8888 NFTs based on Binance Smart Chain that utilizes verifiable randomness functions, giving every collector a unique digital boba tea. Besides the Venly-powered accessible and smooth interface, NFTBOBA also boasts Augmented Reality interactability, giving users collectors the power to see their boba NFTs come to life.Last but not least, NFTBOBA also pledges to donate 20% of its net profit to ocean-related charities, striving for a place where fun technology and a cleaner Earth can co-exist, for the future yet to come. Website - Twitter