Expert insight: Blockchain - Where to Begin

About the Author: I'm Tim Dierckxsens, CEO of Venly, a blockchain technology provider. Before founding Venly, I spent years as a business consultant, helping executives innovate with digital solutions in industries like music, postal services, supply chain, and banking.
If I had a penny for every time someone said, "I don’t even know where to begin with blockchain," I’d be traveling the world with my family by now.
While blockchain is still far from widespread adoption, I'm committed to simplifying its integration because I believe in its potential. Over the past six years, the biggest frustration I've seen is the hype and false expectations that blockchain will solve every problem overnight.
In this article, I'll explain a more practical approach to understanding and adopting blockchain—one that doesn't require a steep learning curve or immediate changes to your business processes.
If you're ready to get your hands dirty and start experimenting, sign up for our developer portal, and we'll get you started right away.
We're now up to 1,355 developers building their use cases. Our largest customer is a unicorn company leveraging Venly as their go-to platform for everything web3-related.
Putting a Square Peg into a Round Hole
I don't believe in forcing a square peg into a round hole. Integrating blockchain shouldn't be complicated. The biggest mistake is forcing blockchain into solutions that disrupt the UX or UI and don't fit the overall architecture. Too often, blockchain is added outside the application framework, pushing complexity onto the user. Developers avoid the intricacies of blockchain integration, leaving it up to the end consumer to handle.

I argue that this is shortsighted, and we shouldn't be scared to implement blockchain like any other database or infrastructure.
This is where Venly comes in—making blockchain integration seamless and user-friendly, ensuring it fits into your existing architecture without disrupting the UX or UI.
How Venly Simplifies Blockchain Integration
At Venly, we take inspiration from how Stripe simplified payments with user-friendly APIs, making a complex system accessible for the digital economy. We're applying the same approach to blockchain.
Tapping into blockchain should be as simple as anything else. With easy-to-use APIs that integrate smoothly into your existing business and software, blockchain can be made effortless for the end user.

Once we recognize that blockchain is less exotic than it seems and can streamline records and transactions, new possibilities open up.
Where to Begin Your Blockchain Journey
The next question we often get is, "Where do I start?" We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all solution, which is why we emphasize flexible platform integrations. How you tap into blockchain largely depends on your type of business, your technical profile, and your use case.
That's why we've developed our Product Landscape to support various integration methods to easily tap into blockchain.

Our developer platform, marked in purple, is where you can obtain your credentials and leverage various features seamlessly. Whether you're working with wallets, assets, or payments, our SaaS solution handles the integration for you—no need to connect with external data APIs, RPC nodes, or blockchains directly.
In orange, you'll find integrations with platforms like Shopify, Zapier, Sitemanager, and Sayl, offering low to no-code and automation options to get you started quickly.
At Venly, we aim to remove the roadblocks to blockchain adoption so you can focus on building unique use cases—not on overcoming technical challenges.
Blockchain doesn't have to be intimidating. With the right tools, you can integrate it smoothly into your infrastructure, empowering your business for the future.
Ready to dive in? Sign up for our developer portal today, and we'll guide you through the setup.
Interested in a partnership or platform integration?
Book a call with our team today, and let's discuss how Venly can support your success.